Thursday, May 28, 2009

take a Peekture.. i got from cesi's blog

Try your very best to find all of the pictures asked for. Use multiply or the pictures stored in your computer. If you can't find one, that's okay. But leave all questions in the survey for others to find.

1. A picture of you in your room.

this picture was taken from my room at our house and the other one in my old boarding house.. :) i was just so bored that's why i was taking pictures..
yung picture na naka green ako di pa ko naliligo niyan.. i guess we came from our math midterms that time and i was taking pictures using Andrey's Phone.. hehe.. and i lost that shirt.. i was so sad. pag tingin ko sa sampayan wala na.. :(

2. A picture of you posing with someone you don't actually like.

uhm.. nakalimutan yata niya mag pose.. hehe.. :D

3. A picture with a former crush.

actually former crushes.. hehe.. i had a crush on them when i was first year high school.. since we were also classmates.. now they are both my good friends.. i miss you guys! :)

4. A picture of you very drunk.

i have never been drunk in my life.. ;)

5. A picture of you with a parent or two.

me and my mom on the 60th wedding anniversary of my grandparents.. can you believe it? 60th wedding anniversary? and they are still aive to date! woohhhooo!!

6. A picture of you on your birthday or favorite holiday

this was a picture taken on my 17th birthday.. i had a great time..
and my favorite holiday? what else?

christmas with friends and family!! :))
7. A picture of you from your younger years.

apparently i lost my soft copy of the picture that's why i can't post anything :(

8. A picture of you in one of your favorite outfits.

i love that black cocktail dress.. i miss having proms! :(

9. A picture of you making a goofy face at the camera.

this photo was taken my my friend ate jevy in her phone.. she was making fun of me that's why i posed like this.. i am so like a pig.. hehe..

10. A picture you might have edited to make yourself more attractive. (haha)

it's the pnly picture i have edited.. a picture of me i have edited..

11. A picture of you in a team or club you're in.

SPF.. (Student Peer Facilitators).. i just love you guys!!

12. A picture of a night you regret.

well this picture was shot in our junior prom.. what made this night so regretable? maybe let's say because of this event there were so many conflicts happened.. :(

13. A picture of you showing off a new haircut (even if its an old haircut).

this was shot in our bathroom using my mom's phone.. dated january of 2009.. :)

14. A picture of you truly being yourself.

i love singing.. and music.. i can't live without it.. this photo was shot by my english 3 professor on our culminating program.. i sang "Can't Fight The Moonlight" :)

15. Your most recent picture.

my most recent pictures are not uploaded yet and nasa cp yun ni andrey so wala pa.. pag tiyagaan niyo na lang muna to.. ok? hehe

16. A picture of you being absolutely ridiculous.

we were all being ridiculus in this picture.. this was with my former boardmates..

17. A picture you're tagged in on facebook that you aren't actually in.

thanks cesi!! hehe.. i miss these guys!!! :)

18. A picture of a tie in your life that's over, but you wish it hasn't.

trips with friends!! i just love traveling especially when i am with friends.. this was a picture in our trip to davao..

19. A picture of a time in your life that's over, and you couldn't be more thankful that it is.

doing dares like this!! urgh!! i am not afraid of snakes but this is something really freaky.. johar looks frealed out! haha.. but still we all managed to smile!!!

20. A picture with your oldest friend.

amagne and me in our school bus when we were 4th year high school.. she was my friend since first year high school and we became best of friends since then.. :)

21. A picture with your newest friends.

my blockmates!!! i am so glad i met them! :)

22. A picture of you when you were anything but happy..even if you were smiling and did your best to hide it.

this was taken christmas season.. i was not really super duper happy when we took it but still i have to smile.. :(

23. A picture of you that you had no idea was being taken.

here is a picture of me reporting in our social science classin fourth year.. i didn't really know why they were taking pictures of the different reporters.. but at least i had a copy.. hehe..

24. A picture of you when you were a different person than you are now.

high school was always about cramming.. i never really studied before but it was really surprising that i still graduated.. now i am a whole a lot different.. i study harder and put my efforts in school.. cool eh? uhmmm.. i don't think so.. hehe..

25. A picture of you in a fashion "DON'T".

don't want to explain hehe..

26. A picture of you in a Swimsuit - whether you love it or loathe it


27. A picture of you taking a shot /chugging abeer/downig some sort of mixed drink.

28. A picture of yourself that you hate.

this picture was taken on the night of our training as SPF's.. i was really having a hard time at that picture.. i hated my face.. i was like.. uhmm.. i don't know how can i even describe it! hahaha..

29. A picture of you with someone you love.

no doubt he is really someone i love.. this picture was taken when we were studying for our midterms in math.. well i was the only one not studying.. i didn't know why i was just so tired.. and the result? i failed the exam.. at napagalitan tuloy ako! hays.. but fortunately i had a high score in the finals! nakabawi naman! hehe..

30. A picture of how'd you like the world to see you.

happy wacky and anything but ordinary :)

31. A picture that describes how you'd like to spend everyday.

with him.. :)

32. A picture of a time when everything is changing

everything about that [icture changed and is also changing.. miss the old days.

33. A picture that makes your heart hurt.

friends who are not there.. :(

34. A picture that makes your heart smile.

i remember being very spontaneous and doing dilly things during this
35. A picture of one of the best times of your life.

high school life is the best!!! :)

1 comment:

Suraco Leopoldo said...

hehe!! taw.anan man tong uban.. lol! pede muawat?? pero di sa run.. hehe!! mangutana ku abwt atong isa ka.pic ha.. sa skul.. hehe!