Wednesday, August 19, 2009


surely i was born not to be that diligent and i hate studying but i love going to school..

but since i want to work really hard and be on top, i studied my way through all of my prelim exams..

and guess what?

i passed!!

all of it!!!

and not just passed but i was one of the people who got high scores!!!

i was so amazed in our Chem 16 1st exam result..

since the highest was from our class, our teacher reduced the total number of point from 120 to 100.. and guess what my score was..


i was soooooooooooo happy!!!!!

i texted my mom and she cried daw..

i was happy to make her happy...

and next was our math exam..

i was soooooooooo afraid when our teacher told us we had low scores but more than half passed..

and i passed!!! the damn nosebleed exam!!

i passed it!!

wohhoo!!! :)

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