Sunday, January 18, 2009


i have at most 25 minutes to write this entry so i will be really quick..

right now i am in an internet shop and it is almost 10 pm.. WTH am i doing here? well.. i am going to sleep in somewhere and i got the urge to go with some friends and surf the net..

well the start of my year wasn't very nice since i was having problems with my social life.. (that, i will talk about later)

and i am having a financial crisis since i didn't know where all of my money had gone!
mi goosh!!

anyways the best part is, i got a high grade in my math exam 41/50

i know it is lame to be happy with just 9 mistakes in my exam but still i was happy and i told my mom about it.. and for the first time mas malaki score ko kaysa kay Andrey! yipee! haha!

right now i don't know exactly where to live.. i hate to be alone in my boarding house so i sometimes sleep somewhere alse and that would be a secret.. haha!

i am also so busy with the activities and papers in our org (SPF).. since unfortunately i am the secretary i have to do all the paper work.. hmmp.. and we are oh so busy with so many activities and i am also oh so busy with exams, quizzes and lab activities..

from all of these problems i don't know if i can handle everything.. thanks to God and to my family i am still motivated to move on.. and of course thanks to Andrey for encouraging me all the time..

if there is one thing i have learned this month, that would be.. i will never stop believing that there are still good people in this world.. and i will continue to be nice even though people are rude to me or do bad things to me.. that is because i don't want to be rude just because other people are rude and i don't want to develop bad attitudes just because of them.. pero not to the point naman na padadaig na ako.. di naman ako saint..

next is.. never get tired to forgive and be always positive that people will change for the good.. these people need other people to believe in them for them to be motivated to change..

and lastly i will never cut my attitude being optimistic.. since it helps me to move on..

well that's all! i only have 10 mins more..

till next time!

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