Monday, February 2, 2009

Blog entry January 19,2009

i wanted to write about this since the start of the year but i didn't have much time to log in frequently so i decided to just write it in paper first.

i watched this movie "My Big Love" starring Toni Gonzaga, Sam Milby and Kristine Hermosa. For those who have seen this film, well good for you and for those who haven't, try it, it is really a nice flick.

i have watched this film over 3 times already and i want to share the lessons that i have learned. in the movie, Toni Gonzaga was a Fitness instructor who trains the fat Sam Milby. Her Fitness Program follows what she calls the "5 simple steps ng pagpapapayat". and i realized that it was not only applicable for fat people but also for all of us.. i just got the analogy of these steps after i saw the movie. the steps wasn't only for pagpapapayat but also for how to achieve one's goal.. and here are the steps..

STEP #1 Goal Setting

most of the times we want to get high grades for our parents to be pleased for us or have new things for our friends to envy us.. or maybe we want to be tinner for somebody to like us... we always do things just because other people want it.

here's the thing.. when you want something, want it for yourself. not because your parents said so or your boyfriend or girlfriend demands you to. sometimes we have to thing about what we want and what would make us happy first before other people. because what matters most is our own happiness.. :)

STEP # 2 No Shortcuts!

most of the time we grom impatient and tired in doing our work thinking that so far we haven't got anything good or achieve something out of it. we tend to give uo so easily or sometimes, take the shortest way out of our problems or shortest way to achieve our goals.

Life is a process and it's road is better taken with no shortcuts. ww all go through bad times and Oh i wish i could skip those parts. but it is part of growing. when we take the short way we may miss important moments of our lives and we would not have the chance to enjoy it.

STEP # 3 Start Today!

all of us ( not some) are fond of this bad habit. the manana habit. we put aside important things thinking we could always do it later.

we always thing that there is still time but what we don't know is that we could be too late. we will not see any progress if we put things aside lalo na yung mga important things. NOW IS THE RIGHT TIME! we all have to realize that. now is the time for change and time to work things out.. not tomorrow, not later but NOW!

STEP # 4 Motivate Yourself.

we all need something for us to be motivated to move on. to be inspired. we need people to encourage us and who believe in us that we can di better, that is why we have our family and friends. we have to have something to drive us to move forward and never to give up..

and most importantly, we also have to learn to motivate ourselves in order for us to believe in what we can do. because if not and when you reflexively thing that you can't handle something, you never find out what you are truly capable of.. :)

STEP # 5 Be Happy

i think this is the most essential and important step of all.

when was the last time you went out with your friends..? have you been stressing about your upcoming exam this week?

being happy in the things that you do is very important in achieving you goals.
you have to be happy in what you are doing and do it by heart!
simple but vey powerful statement: BE HAPPY!

-- and that's it! 5 simple ways ng pagpapapayat :)

i have learned so much from these steps and i am trying so hard to apply it.. hope you too could apply it! 100% effective.. :)

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