Friday, December 25, 2009

merry christmas!!!

this is my first post on the month of December.. and i hope this wouldn't be the last...
December 16 was the start of the Simbang Gabi and since then until yesterday Dec. 24 i wake up every 4 am and go to church.. 9 mornings.. and in that 9 mornings i have learned 9 important lessons and values in life that i hope will also help other people out there (if there are people who are reading my blog) in their lives..

DAY 1 Dec. 16


there are a lot of problems here in our country today.. but not only in our country but also in our individual families.. but Christmas is the time of JOY.. being happy.. this teaches us that despite of our day to day problems we are bound to still be happy no matter what.. we sometimes dwell on our problems and then we worry too much..
for me.. it's the little things in life that makes me happy..
when i see cute little puppies running around at the doorstep of my room in our boarding house.. seeing so many stars in the sky.. it reminds me how much God loves us and He lets us see the beautiful things he has given to us.. and yet because of the many problems that we have we don't see it and appreciate it.. there are so many reasons to be happy and yet we refuse to see it.. this season and the next year to come i hope people will see their blessings and be happy with it.. there are so many reasons to be happy and i hope we will not be blinded by our worries and problems.. :)

DAY 2. Dec. 17


this is connected with JOY.. we always complain on the things that are lacking in our lives.. we don't even see the blessing we receive.. and that is what i am seeing in us Filipinos.. we always complain on corruption, poverty, some even say na "kinakahiya nila maging Pilipino".. so sad.. we always see the negative in things.. some commit suicide thinking that their life is useless and no point at all.. what we don't see is every waking hour of our lives we are truly blessed.. we do not see the good in every situation that is why we always complain.. many of us are very lazy walking, waking up in the morning but there are also many who has no feet and is stuck in a wheelchair for the rest of their existence.. some say that their life is useless and yet many people are using oxygen tanks and fighting for their lives.. we should not just be thankful because we have a life.. that we can walk, eat, talk and breathe. but we should also be thankful because even though sometimes we are not worthy to be blessed, we are still given with so many blessings.. think about it.. there are many less fortunate people in the world.. and you are not one of them.. it is one thing you should be thankful for.

DAY 3. Dec 18


Compassion is a human emotion prompted by the pain of others. More vigorous than empathy, the feeling commonly gives rise to an active desire to alleviate another's suffering.
compassion is one thing i believe most of us do not possess..
One of the clearest examples of compassion is Mother Theresa. As she cared for the poor and sick in the leper colonies of Calcutta, India, someone once told her "I wouldn't touch those leper for one million dollars. Her reply was, neither would I." She spent her life serving the rejects of society. She was truly a person of compassion.
but in this season of giving many try to exercise this.. we should always have the compassion for the people who are suffering because they need us and our support.. people who are sick (emotionally or physically) needs someone to take care of them.. needs someone who will encourage them to live better lives and their life is worth living.. in this season of giving and loving let us share our love to those people who badly need it..

DAY 4. Dec 19


now it's election time.. and i know many politicians are competing against each other.. but today we should all start not pulling other people down.. we are all not perfect.. and yet we take other people's weaknesses to pull them down.. one thing that is very important this season is whenever someone is down or experiences failures we should not take that against them. we should always encourage them to do better and we should always believe in what other people can do.. let us not look at their bad side.. as what many people would say we all have the good side and we should enhance it.. people experiencing failures and downfalls need help and encouragement like what our God does.. He encourages us to be good people and follow what is right.. if you know someone who is experiencing failures and trials, encourage them to move on and do better.. because we should help people see the good side of things and not the bad..

DAY 5. Dec 20


sometimes we all lack faith in the Lord.. we all lack faith in ourselves.. this season let our faith be stronger and with our faith we can see what God wants us to see.. :)

DAY 6. Dec 21


this is sometimes we forget to do.. we forget to value the people who are helping us and accompany us in our everyday lives.. my aunt every 25th of December she organizes a party for all the people in her household.. the maids, he assistant at work.. not just for the helpers but also for their families.. which is really very nice.. it taught me to value the people (no matter what is their position in your life) who are with us everyday.. we should not forget that not because they work for us we do not have to thank them for the things they have done for us.. we should not just give value for our family but also we should give value to the people who touched our lives in their own little way.. that is why my mom would always buy them presents too.. because when they know that even if they are just "helpers" they are also valued.. :)

DAY 7. Dec 22


Jesus Christ was born in the manger.. and it symbolizes that He is humble.. we should not be a "show-off" because if everybody in the world isn't humble what do you think the world would look like? terrible isn't it? the importance of humility is sometimes not seen most especially when one holds power or position in our society.. but being humble defines who we are and what we are made of.. as i was growing up there were times that i forgot to be humble but i was raised not to boast a lot and not to step on other people.. when we are wrong we should always admit our mistakes.. PRIDE would not take us anywhere.. it could destroy us and our relationship with other people..

DAY 8. Dec 23


we all should reconcile.. we should repent.. it is always not too late!! :)

DAY 9 Dec 24


in these times of trouble we should never lose hope.. we should have strong faith in God and we should never give up.. this season, the birth of Jesus gives us Hope that we are all going to be saved.. we just have to have faith in Him

in this season of love and sharing may we all fill Jesus in our hearts and let us not forget the true essence of this celebration..
Merry Christmas y'all!!! :)

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