Monday, December 28, 2009

spirit of christmas

things are a bit tense yesterday in our family reunion.. 

my aunt brought her husband to the reunion

what's the problem with that? her husband recently (and also rumored to be currently) is having an affair with a younger woman.. 

sad diba? and he had the guts to show up after everything ha had done.. 

but my uncle who held a mass yesterday here at our house talked about forgiveness..

and the importance of love in the family..

so sad that our family is almost torn apart.. i mean it is christmas and yet here we are dealing with the "katangahan" of my aunt and the "kakapalan" of her husband.. 

but even though everyone talked about not talking to him, i still payed respect to him by greeting him when he arrived.. not because i have a respect for him as a person but i respect him because he is older than me..

in the mass everyone didn't come to him noong "peace" time na.. only my uncle (the priest) shook his hands.. but he did try to reach out to the other siblings of my mom including my mom of course.. 

it's so sad to think na ganito ang pasko namin dito.. here in our family.. 

spirit of christmas was never there.. for all the christmas we celebrated once lang kami nabuo.. 

pain is something we all deal.. through the years we contain it in our hearts.. 

pain was there when my mom and dad separated but i had to live with it.. and now we are okay the pain is quite gone.. 

new pain come and go but it is up to us when we will let it go and when we want to let it stay.. 

pain is a very terrible feeling.. 

it drives people to do bad things and also hurt other people especially the ones they love..

the spirit of christmas is all about joy and love..

i hope and i pray that someday that one christmas full of love and joy will come in our family.. 

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