Sunday, January 16, 2011

bad news

we just got a message from our classmate that his dad is in a coma since last night and he is asking for our prayers.

my heart broke.

i automatically replied to him that i will surely pray not just for his dad but also for him.

as much as i want to empathize to him, i haven't experienced something like that before. even family deaths, or family crisis like that. except maybe that one time when i didn't get to celebrate my 13th birthday because my granddad was sent to the hospital and all of us thought it was his time to go.

but i guess this is different.

it's his dad.

me? i don't even know if my dad is still alive or where he is right now.

but the thing is, i don't know a single thing about fear of losing someone to death.

not a thing.

not a single thing.

and i am afraid that when the time comes that it's me who is facing it, i won't know what to do.

we are all afraid of death. we are all afraid of losing the people we love by death.

but when i think of the people i love dying, i still don't get that fear. 

maybe because it has never happened to me. 

thankfully, i just received a message that my friend's dad just woke up


and the feeling of relief, is great. :)

i just hope that when the time comes that things like this will happen to me, i will be strong enough. 

things will always end well. 

xoxo! ♥ :)

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