Monday, January 17, 2011


today is the day i could say with all confidence that I AM MOVING ON.

this is the day when i don't really care anymore. what he thinks, feels, says about me.

or what he and he's slutty bitch do. (sorry but i will never get over the fact that i hate her)

he once asked me if i still loved him.

and i said i do but not the same as before.

where did all the love go?

some of the love were converted to pain,some of it were converted to anger, some just merely disappeared when the pain was starting to fade.

i can't promise that i won't cry anymore because i don't know what might happen in the future.

i just hope he will really soon find my worth.

he will realize what a big mistake to let me go.

but it's still okay if he doesn't though.

like i said, i don't really care anymore.

he's on his own now, and i am on my own.

it's quite a relief that i am feeling like this. 

i have never been that dependent on him, but it feels good to be really free from all those hurt and pain.

and i will never be insecure of that bitch no matter how he praise her for being good in this and that. 

it will never change the fact that she is still ugly.

haha! sorry for being so evil. but it's kinda true.


i mean being in a relationship is nice, but being single is nice too.

i may not look forward to valentine's day, but it would still be fun knowing you have friends who are like you.


though i have this someone i like right now, i don't think both of us are ready to be in a relationship.

i thought i was though but i was wrong.

it's fun. the thrill of the chase. the mystery of what will happen next.

today is DAY ONE.

the very first day after a series of moving on days that i am really moving on.

the first day since the break up that i can say that there is no pain anymore.

i can go out with my friends without telling anyone what we would do, i can go and see other people, i can be me, in a fun way!

and all i have to think about is myself.

and this is me. just being inspired. :) 

xoxo. ♥

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