Friday, February 11, 2011

the end of the line

i know i have been so lovey dovey these past few weeks. but can't help it though. it's love month and i can feel so much for this guy but he just keeps on ignoring me whenever he likes.

and that makes me feel inconsistent too.

right now i am organizing a speech in my head.

my final message for him about all of my feelings.

true, he was the one who confessed to me first about liking me, and wanting me to like him back too. but after liking him, he just disappears and then show up again.

how inconsistent can he get?

but now. i am organizing a speech. and it's really hard to do it in my head so i am doing it here.

and here how my speech goes:

i know i have told you many times that i like you. and this would be the last time i will say this.
i like you but i have noticed that every time i say that you always tell me the exact same words all the time.

like you're not ready.

you have school stuffs to tend to and prioritize.

okay. i get it. i do. and i have been very understanding and very considerate.

but how selfish can you get?

how about me? it doesn't always have to be you.


it's not that i want you to be my boyfriend and all.

it's just. i don't see the point of liking you if there's nothing to look forward to.

and you told me to just keep my feelings to myself for the mean time.

fine. i agreed to that. unselfishly.

but for once. just once. can you please consider my feelings too?

you said, go with the flow, but how will i do that if there is no flow to go with to?

crap. don't want to do this anymore.

this is the end.

that's it.

happy love month everyone.


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