Wednesday, February 9, 2011


all these feelings makes me crazy!

i am very inconsistent nowadays and i can't figure myself out.

what do you do when you are stressed? upset? or depressed?

when i'm upset, i don't eat. when i'm upset i become anorexic. i can choose not to eat major meals. when i'm upset i eat almost nothing.
though i feel the hunger, it doesn't bother me at all. since all i can think about is how upset i am.

when i am stressed, i eat a lot of junk food. as in A LOT.

when i am depressed i tend to sleep. A LOT.

i am so messed up right now.

i need distractions.

i can't seem to focus on some things.

but i know if i put y heart to it, i can do this.

but i just need some distractions.

from what? i don't know. from him. from my crappy subject (ES 64).

all i need is a day. all i'm asking is one day. where all i can think of are things like, chocolate, Gossip Girl and other stuffs.

one day where i get not to think of him, not to hear a single love song.

one day without seeing that crappy teacher, that crappy book and notes!

urgh! can't figure out what's wrong with me.


can please someone volunteer to be my distraction?


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