Saturday, February 12, 2011

valentine's rush

tomorrow is going to be valentine's day.

yeah. it kinda sucks that i am single this year and i am not looking forward to anything special to happen.

but it's still a very special day.

and this post is not about my dramatic life but about the two people who taught me and showed me that true love and everlasting love is real.

my grandparents.

the picture above was taken on their 65th wedding anniversary last JUNE 2010

they're both 93 years old to date.

they've been together fro 65 years.

gaaaahd! who in the world can live and love the same person for whole 65 years?

their love is amazing and the things they did for us, their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren are all for love.

my mom got separated from her husband, my two cousins annulled their previous marriages because they were battered or something.
my other aunt is now struggling with her marriage after finding out her husband is having an affair with a girl who is younger than me!

but then, after everything i have seen inside my family, i have never stopped believing in love.

that is because every single day since i have started living with my grandparents, i see how love can bind us together.

how their love for each other and for us never tore us apart even if some of us are not physically present here.

maybe some people out there after experiencing a loss and great heart ache, they give up. they stop finding reasons to love. most especially when they have been cheated on or the ones they loved left them.

but for me, i am young and i will never stop finding reasons to love someone.

i understand that it is so hard to move on most especially when you came from a long term relationship.

but life and love doesn't end there.

my grandparents' love for each other weren't always that easy to handle.

i heard my granddad had so many vices before that would include smoking and drinking.

but i have never ever heard, not even once that he cheated on my grandmom.

for 65 years he loved only one woman.

he had eyes only for one woman.

not that they're perfect for each other.

but they find ways to fit themselves for each other.

compromises. as they always say is key to lasting relationships.

i know most of my friends don't see this kind of love in their family since most of them their grandparents are dead or one is dead or their not living with them.

but i grew up seeing this kind of love.

i grew up feeling this kind of love.

it doesn't makes me an expert on love but it's just so amazing how when by just looking at them you will be inspired.

how many people are inspired on the love they have given each other and other people for the past 65 years.

they say nothing lasts forever.

true enough.

but some things doesn't have to last for it to stay.

65 years.

still can't believe it.

they've been together through thick and thin, ups and downs, sickness and in health, rain or shine. for 65 fruitful years.

life is hard. and loving is hard.

but when i see them, i realize, it's not that hard.
we are the ones making it hard.

sometimes when we are not ready for someone to be in our lives we tend to push them away.
sometimes when faced in difficult circumstances we tend to forget that we are not alone.
sometimes we abuse the love and attention given to us thinking that it will never leave us.
most of the time we take the most important people for granted.

loving is easy.
it's just sometimes, we make it hard for one person to love us.
we make it hard for them to understand us.
it's just sometimes, we tend to lose trust in them and in ourselves.
we tend to not see what's in front of us because we always look far away/
it's just sometimes we are too proud to ask for forgiveness and just let things be.
we realize all our mistakes just a little too late.

but i hope it doesn't stop us from finding true love. or from stop looking for love. or stop waiting for it to come.

it will come. we will see it. it will come in many forms. it may be a person, a job, a thing, an ambition, a wish. but it will come.

and that love will grow. and let you grow.

i grew up with so much love in my heart. so much love that i could give to people aside from my family.

my grandparents didn't just love only us. but they opened their doors to a lot of people.

and that's when i realized that it's not just the both of you that should love each other.

you invite many people in your lives to make your love grow (of course don't invite possible 3rd parties)

invite people that could help you in times when both of you are in trouble or under a bad situation.

it's just that not because both of you are in a relationship is that only both of you could work things out.

valentine's day is for lovers.

i get it

but it's also the time when single people get together and have fun on their own. :)

it's also a day to celebrate different kinds of friendship.

and i am so happy i have good friends.

a day to celebrate different kinds of relationship.

it's a day about love.

and it's just normal for us to spread it.

i hope i could inspire hopeless romantics out there by telling how wonderful love can be. as a proof: my grandparents.

happy valentine's day everyone!

xoxo. :)

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