Saturday, February 5, 2011

woke up to love songs

it's FEBRUARY! the love month as they would say.

and how do i feel now that after 2 past valentines i am now a single girl on valentine's day?

i don't feel depressed at all.

though i really want to spend it with someone i really like (which there is someone by the way) maybe i will try to spend it like any ordinary day. like Valentine's never really existed.

but since this is the love month, i am full of love!

not just for myself but maybe also for someone else. and this post may be about him.

but we'll see. :)

last year i have received so many comments in my valentine's day post.

i wonder why. hahahah! mostly from people from other countries. i had to use a translator to read what they were saying.

but here's the thing, last year was nice. i got to spend valentine's with both my family and my special someone.

this year, the day before valentine's is going to be my granddad's 93rd birthday and i promised my mom that i would go home.

but i have to go back here in the city early morning the next day since i have classes.

but still, at least i get to spend it with the people i love.

i just hope i get to spend it with him.

i know, it's only been more than a month after my break up, but like what i said before, i had to move on and i am moving on.

and now he comes in.

he isn't the most charming person i know but he certainly makes me laugh.
he isn't the smartest guy i have ever met but he is witty and all.
he isn't the most romantic guy i have been with but he makes me feel wanted every time we are together.

he is a guy i can't have right now.

he's not ready.

and i think i am not ready too.

i don't even know if i already love him.

even though i have given so much love from my past relationship, i still have so much love to give to this guy.

but he is still not ready.

or should i say, he sees being in a relationship time consuming.
can't blame him though since he has struggles when it comes to his academics.

while i admire his strong sense of having priorities, i wonder if he even still feels the same way about me.

he told me he liked me and that when he graduates (that would be at least 2 years from now) he would really court me and that would be the only time he will ever be ready to be in a relationship.

i wanted to much to change that. :(

but what can i do?

i can't talk to him in public since he is friends with my ex, and i only chat with him on facebook every time i am online.

though we don't usually talk about mushy stuffs, i still feel "kilig":)

i haven't felt like this in a loooong time.

and i like the thrill and i like the feeling of being inspired.

just wanted him to know that every time i hear a love song, i think of him.

and every time i play Bruno Mars' song Just the Way you are, i feel so thankful that he dedicates that song to me. :)

and that's what i get when i wake up to love songs playing on the radio.


♥ is truly in the air! in many forms and in many types.

hope this won't be the end of feeling te love this month!

xoxo ♥

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