Wednesday, March 4, 2009

English 2 Requirement: Better than Mariah

Better than Mariah Carey

On the outside, people think that I am really confident. Never afraid to speak up or perform. But what they don’t know is that most of the times I hold back on doing things I like the most, like singing or dancing in front of so many people, or write an article and audition for the school paper. I may look like I have the guts, but what they don’t know is I can do more when no one is around. When I am alone I can do things I can’t do in front of so many people. I do things that I couldn’t even dare to show to my closest friends. Being alone gives me that chance to develop whatever talent I have. When I am alone I become Mariah Carey and J.K. Rowling in one.

One of the few things I like doing the most is singing. I really love music – it’s my first love. Some people say that I have a good voice but still I was never confident enough to join competitions or perform on stage. But when I am alone, I sing with all my heart. I feel that I am way better than Mariah Carey or Celine Dion. I feel like a rock star or a diva. I grab my hairbrush in front of the mirror at the top of my lungs. I don’t care if anybody can hear me; all I can see is the stage, the fans, the mic, and me.

Imagining is also one thing I love to do when I am alone. I become more like J.K. Rowling and Stephenie Meyer. Though I don’t usually imagine of magical things, vampires and werewolves, I imagine more about seeing myself as a famous movie star or an international icon. All impossible things come to life.

Most of the time, the things I am imagining about not just stay in my head. Sometimes I also like to write them in my blog. Before like J.K. Rowling, I write stories I fantasize about. But now, I mostly write about my feelings and opinions on some things. I love writing when I am alone (just like now). I just pour all my emotions on the keyboard, typing what I feel at the moment. The best part is that no one could ever stop me.

When I am alone, I can be Mariah Carey and J.K. Rowling all in one. I can do whatever my heart desires without worrying of what other people would say. But on the outside, I am still the same me. Trying hard to be more confident and have the guts to show off what I really got. I know someday, all the things I love to do will not stop within the four-cornered room I have. I still hope that someday the world would see that I am way better that Mariah Carey.

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