Wednesday, March 4, 2009

English 2 Requirement: Something More Powerful

Something More Powerful

Is there a God? Some people still have doubts in believing that there is a God or something more powerful and omnipotent – a supernatural being that controls everything. What if we all believed that there is no God? Can you even imagine the world? Will the word “hope” even exist? How about “faith” and “prayer”? What I really think is that for the world to be a better place to live in, people believe that God exists. People would rather believe that there is a God and then die to find out that there is none, than to live as if there is no God and find out that there is. All of us need something to believe in, in order for us to strive harder and be motivated to move on in life.

Hope and faith drives a person to never give up. They have to believe that in every problem there is always a solution. They have to believe that in every storm the sun will shine after. What will happen if everybody is so pessimistic and give up so easily? I thing the world will not be a good place to live in. by believing in God most of us believe that is His power, everything will all be fine in the end. People need something to look up to – something to look forward to.

When people have something to look up to, they also look forward for good things to happen to them, like a promotion or passing a test. Some people work hard, believing that there is something good or better at the end of the road. They are motivated to do better thinking that God will bless them and give them what they deserve. They become more productive in the things that they do. They believe that when they do something good, something good also or even better will come back in return.

Thus, this is also the reason why so many of us do well and treasure our values. It is like believing in Santa Claus. When you do well all year, you get what you want for Christmas. We all want to be blessed that is why we go to church or join charity events. We all believe that God also have His “good” and “bad” list just like Santa. We treasure our values and do well for two main reasons. First is we are thankful to God for all the blessings He gave us, or second, we want to ask something from Him. By believing in God, people preserve their values and cherish them. People strive to become good or even better. All of us would want to believe that the world will be a better place to live in if we would all try our best to be good people and follow the principles: “Do not do unto others what you don’t want others to do to you” and “Love thy neighbor as you love yourself”.

Believing in God brings out the good side in every person. What would the world be if all of us believed that there is no God? With all the problems this world has, economic crisis and natural disasters, do you think we can even survive? Can we still hope for something to happen when things get out of hand? I think not. When things get worst we pray and we look up to the heavens and hope for God to help us and bring a miracle. When we have God, we develop a more positive outlook of life. Good thing we all have faith in God. For if not, maybe we would all be hanging ourselves.

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