Friday, March 27, 2009

semester end survey..

i got this survey from an acquaintance (actually she's not an acquaintance i just know her.. and she knows me) i thought it's a fun survey so here it goes:

Who was your favorite teacher?
-that would be 2 teachers.. Sir Richard Domo my chem 15 lab teacher because he is so wacky and he jive with our class! i love him he is sooooooooo funny!
next is Sir Polito my english 2 teacher.. i love how he teach and there were no boring classes with him :)

Who annoyed you the most this semester?
- some classmates.. i'd rather not mention their names :)

- it actually depend on who i eat with.. but mostly i eat with andrey :) (God! i miss him!)

most memorable moment of the semester?
- so many! but moments in my chem lab i will never forget.. :)

- chem 15 lec period.. so boring!

- i hate to say thins but i usually fall asleep in math 51 class.. good thing i still got 2.25.. hehe

- it depends actually.. sometimes we gt to have so many assignments in math.. sometimes in Physics 21

- chem lab! hehe.. and english! i will never get bored in these classes!

- mostly.. especially when i am with andrey.. :)

- sometimes it's like hell.. but it is sweet torture!

- maybe my chem lec teacher.. but i don't actually hate her.. she just need to improve her teaching ability

summarize your semester in FIVE words?
it is just the start! haha!

what do you hope next year is gonna be like?

- more challenges, eyebags and stress! and hell exams! whew!

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